In the last day or so I stumbled across a blog post where the person was talking about quilting. Instead of back tacking, she pulls the loose thread ends through to hide them. I tried to find the post, but it's not in my Bloglines archive - any of you know who it was? I'd love to link to the post. **Edit: Alex is right, it was
Pink Chalk Studio.**
My reaction was, "WHAT?!?" The "what" was half "why didn't I already know about this?" and half "OMG! I wish I'd never learned about this." I realized right away that there were going to be countless instances when I would *have* to pull my thread end through because back tacking would no longer be OK.
Today I'm working on a purse, and I was back tacking the day away *until* I got to the label. This is the first time I've ever pulled my thread ends through. This is what I did:
1) Leave long thread ends at the start and end of each stitching line.
2) Thread a needle with a thread end on the front of the piece and pull it to the back of the piece.
3) Hand-tie the front and back thread ends on the back of the piece. Trim.
Below you can see the (terrible) before and after photos of the corner of a label with back tacking and today's hand-tied label. It makes a *huge* difference. The "before" isn't that bad, but it's not as clean and smart looking as the "after" label.